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The Secret to Being Happy and Joyful

by damith
August 8, 2023 1:03 am 0 comment
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

Joy and Happiness are wonderful feelings to experience, but are very different.

Joy comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas Happiness tends to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events.

Yet the majority of the people are not geared up to celebrate or enjoy the season. To be precise, they may be mechanically preparing themselves by cleaning and painting their homes, shopping to purchase, etc, but I wonder whether they are emotionally prepared to celebrate it with Happiness and Joy.

With things falling into place, we could eagerly await for political, economic, social and community stability to prevail in our Motherland which would yield qualitative and quantitative benefits to the public.

If you consider the qualitative aspects we may harvest peace, harmony, and symbiotic relationships among all communities and the quantitative aspects may bring about improvement in the income and improved standards of living, increased productivity and labour force, etc.

Even though we receive the above aspects, would it be possible for people to be Happy and Joyful? My answer to this question is a simple no.

Let me justify my statement. Since the beginning of the new millennium dramatic changes have taken place globally in particular the advanced technology. With these changes which have taken place during the last two decades, we have technologically advanced than ever before. This has made mankind to be effective and efficient.

With technological changes and globalisation taking place, the factor called hurry and worry too has emerged. Thus, this has resulted in physical and emotional illnesses such as gastritis, stomach ulcers as well as stress, anxiety and depression.

People have become multitaskers where they are unable to complete any one task 100%.

The other aspect is that they do not give their 100%. Let it be living, loving, working or praying the majority of them do multi-tasking and do things half-heartedly. They end up meeting disappointments which make them angry and act hastily, hence, they are not happy or joyful, but rather miserable.

This is the main reason why as a country we top the ranking on suicidal rates.

If you look at the children and younger generation they too are inflicted with mental trauma to some extent.

Hence, I urge the leaders and responsible ministers to look into the educational system and reform, social reform and cultural reform as we need to think deeply and take necessary steps to overcome the outlined issues.

It is true and I quite understand your pulse. We are facing multiple crises including economic, political, social, financial and health due to the recent pandemic and its consequences. But, if you look at the opposites of crisis, you will become optimistic that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

The opposites of crisis are relief, miracle, blessing, resolution, favour, profit, privilege, happiness, joy, good fortune, boon, calm, pleasure, fortunateness, way out, plus point, trivia, help, fortuitousness, answer, win-win, bonus, Benison, providence, comfort, luck, peace, assistance, health, serendipity, remedy, stability, agreement, advantage, benefit, comfort, luck, placidly, rest, contentment, repose, advantageousness, relaxation, tranquillity and prosperity.

Let me conclude that if you want to be Happy and Joyful give your very best, that is 100% to everything you do.

That means when you Live, Love, Work and Pray do it wholeheartedly.

Do one thing at a time and complete that task fully. Do not get isolated from others and get engrossed with technical devices such as TV, Mobile Phones and Computers. Value and treasure your relationships with your Family members, Teachers, Peers and Friends.

Happiness and Joy are blessed to a group or team and you do not get it when you are secluded from people.

Pray to God regularly three times a day. When praying do not ask for materialistic favours, rather ask for strength, Stamina, Stability, Serenity, Peace, Power and Tranquility. Pray together with your family members.

If someone has made a mistake or spoken against you please do not take revenge on them. Rather “Forgive and Forget” as our Almighty God has taught us.

Be contended with what you have and what you get. Help the needy whenever possible. Avoid comparing with others. If you want to compare in terms of materialism then compare yourself with those who are below you and be contended with what you have thankful to God and share something with those who are below your status and be happy. If you want to compare in terms of spiritualism then compare yourself with those who are above you and learn from them and be Joyful.

This will make you have a peaceful life. This is what we should expect from all our communities in our motherland. Then perhaps ours will be a true Paradise Nation.

Learn to understand and realise who you are. Know your strengths and continuously improve upon those strengths. Know your weaknesses and convert those into your strengths. Keep improving yourself continuously. And when you improve your self-help to improve others. Then work as a team and improve your family, school, workplace, society, community and ultimately and eventually our motherland. This is my secret to be happy and joyful.

”Do things wholeheartedly!”

Always share your happiness and joy with others as it doubles your happiness and joy.

Maruthai Ravindhiran

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