Master plan with monitoring and support vital for development - Dr Godahewa | Daily News

Master plan with monitoring and support vital for development - Dr Godahewa

State Minister Dr. Nalaka Godahewa assumes duties
State Minister Dr. Nalaka Godahewa assumes duties

Proper communication and monitoring should be carried out with all government entities to carry out the development activities of the country based on a master plan, State Minister of Urban Development, Coast Conservation, Waste Disposal and Public Sanitization, Nalaka Godahewa said assuming duties at Suhurupaya.

The main problem that lies within the ministries is that despite the availability of master plans necessary support is not received internally as well as externally to carry out them.

With respect to maintenance and development of urban areas, drainage systems and public sanitization, it is crucial to have a master plan. The progress of these activities should be continuously monitored to ensure that proper values are given to public trust. Moreover funds for these activities should be passed based on the priority level of the planned activities.

“This is my personal opinion and I hope that the government will also look into this matter in the same way since the main aim of the government is to see a working country,” he said.

Godahewa also pointed out that the prevailing housing problems of the public should be looked into and appropriate solutions should be discussed as it directly falls under the domain of the Ministry. Majority of the public, both low income and middle income families reside in rented houses or apartments. Some even don’t have a proper land deed for the houses they reside which brings many difficulties. Thus these matters should be considered and proper schemes should be implemented to solve the above stated problems.

Furthermore, public sanitization should be improved more which currently lacks proper maintenance. “It is evident that the government authorities responsible for maintaining the sanitary facilities fail to do that,” he said. Thus as a ministry the problems and the reasons for the lack of concentration should be identified and analyzed and proper discussions should be done with the relevant authorities to propose solutions.

“I hope to go through all the plans that are already in place and prioritize them and then extend my fullest support to my staff to carry out them and develop the country,” he added.