Over 1.9 mn Pfizer Booster vaccines arrive this week | Daily News

Over 1.9 mn Pfizer Booster vaccines arrive this week

Health State Minister Prof.Channa Jayasumana said that 1.9 million doses of the Pfizer COVID vaccine are due in the country this week.

Speaking at a media briefing held in Anuradhapura yesterday (21), the State Minister said individuals who have received the Corona immunization vaccination could experience fever, cold and body aches and pain but they will not be able to spread the virus to others after being fully vaccinated. He said further that 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be received in the country today (22) and another 400,000 doses will reach the country tomorrow (23).

At the same time, from December three million doses of this vaccine will be received weekly and the required refrigeration facilities will be arranged to store these vaccines at the Narahenpita Blood Transfusion Centre.

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