How to get a toned body at home | Daily News

How to get a toned body at home

Best bodyweight exercises without equipment :

You don’t always need equipment or a gym subscription to workout. You can use your own body weight as an excellent “equipment” for a full-body workout – anytime, anywhere.

Bodyweight exercises are no equipment workouts capable of strengthening different muscle groups by using your own weight. They can also improve muscle mass in the elderly.

Studies show that lower limb bodyweight exercises help strengthen lower limb muscle force . Hence, practicing these moves at home can help strengthen the entire body.

Practicing full body bodyweight workouts at home can help you achieve a well-toned and fit body. In this article, we have listed 21 best bodyweight exercises you can do at home. Scroll down to get started.


You must warm-up for at least 10 minutes before you start with the exercises.

Warming up is important to elevate body temperature, metabolic rate, and oxygen

1. Calf Raises

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, chest out, shoulders rolled out, and abs engaged.

Raise your heels and hold for 1 second. Feel the stretch at the back on your lower legs.

Slowly lower your heels and raise them again.

For the next set, do the exercise faster with your feet wider apart.

2. Squats

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.

Draw your arms forward, perpendicular to the ground.

Keep your entire body tight and flex your stomach.

Breathe deeply and lower your butt as if you are sitting on a chair. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground.

Ensure your bent knees are not overshooting your toes. Keep your body straight and firm.

Come back to your original position and repeat from the beginning.

3. Jump Squats

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, chest out, shoulders relaxed, and abs engaged.

Push your hips out, flex your knees, and get into a sitting posture. Your knees should not overshoot your toes.

Get back up and jump. Throw your hands to the side to propel your body up.

Land softly on the floor and squat down again.

4. Jump Lunges

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, chest out, shoulders rolled back, and abs engaged.

Take a step forward with your right leg.

Flex both your knees and lower your body. Stop when your right thigh is parallel to the floor.

Push your body up into a jump. Simultaneously, bring your left leg forward and right leg backward.

5. Side Lunges

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, and palms together.

Lift your right leg off the floor and place it wide apart, as shown in the image. Make sure your toes are facing forward, shoulders relaxed, chest out, and core engaged.

Flex your right knee, keep your spine straight, and lower your body to the right.

Make sure your left leg is fully extended, and your left foot is flat on the floor. Keep your palms together for support. Hold this pose for a second and feel the stretch in your left inner thigh.

6. Donkey Kicks

How To Do

Get on all fours.

Lift your right leg off the floor.

Keeping the knee flexed, kick your leg back.

Do this 10 times and then switch legs.

This completes one set.

7. Target – Quads, hamstrings, and calves

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet together. Roll your shoulders back, pop your chest up, and engage your core.

Take a small step ahead with your right leg. This is the starting position.

Keeping your left knee soft, bend forward, and lift your left foot off the floor.

Extend your hands and try touching the floor.

Hold this pose for a second and then come back to the starting position.

8. Frog Jumps

How To Do

Stand straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest up, shoulders rolled back, and core engaged.

Flex your knees and do a full squat. Touch the floor with your fingertips.

Get back up and take a small jump.

Land softly on the floor and get into the full squat position.

9. Wall Sits

How To Do

Stand with your back to the wall and your feet 2 feet away from it.

Sink your bottom down as if you are squatting.

Hold this position for 10 -15 seconds.

10. Push-Ups

How To Do

Get into a plank position. Your elbows should be right below your shoulders, and hands slightly turned out. This is the starting position.

Flex your elbows and lower your chest to the floor.

Push your chest back up to the starting position.

11. Decline Push-Ups

How To Do

Place your feet on an elevation (stairs, box, etc.).

Get into a plank position. Your elbows should be right below your shoulders, and hands slightly turned out. This is the starting position.

Flex your elbows and lower your chest to the floor.

Push your chest back up to the starting position.

12. Plank Up And Down

How To Do

Get into the arm plank position.

Flex your right elbow, make a fist, and get down.

Flex your left elbow, make a fist, and get down. Right now, you are in an elbow plank position.

Extend your left hand and get up.

Next, extend your right hand and get back into the arm plank position.

Things To Remember

Do not try complex moves. Start with stretching and full-body workouts like jumping jacks, box jump, and basic squats. This will help your body slowly adjust to the new regimen.

Involve your entire body. This includes your lower body, the sides, the upper body, and the core. This way, you will engage all the muscle groups.

Do not strain too much. If you are feeling any discomfort, stop. Allow your body to completely cool down.

Lastly, do not forget to give your body a nice full stretch.


Full body bodyweight exercises are basic and need no equipment. They are simple to do, can be performed anywhere, and are effective in toning your entire body. They also help improve balance and increase flexibility.

You can try these exercises. Start slow. Eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, and you will soon see yourself healthier and happier. -stylecraze


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