Mistakes to avoid when building your green home | Daily News

Mistakes to avoid when building your green home

When building a green home one chooses to do so to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. Careful thought and consideration must be placed on every aspect of this home design, from the roof to the foundation to everything in between – electrical work, air quality, and affordability. It is important to lessen one’s footprint and not to disrupt the existing ecosystem. With all the knowledge and resources available to us today there really is no excuse for not being environmentally conscientious.

Build more than you need

You do not want to build too much house, instead, you want your home to fit “just right.” A house that is too large will likely contain wasted space, unused space and cost more to run, heat and cool. When planning your home take careful consideration to your lifestyle.

Don’t not think ahead

Will you be living in your home in 10, 20 or 30 years? Think ahead to what your needs may be down the road. As the population ages, we should take careful consideration to what our future needs and lifestyle and prepare for such.

Building on the wrong plot

It is crucial to find the right lot size and location. As wonderful as it sounds to have a lovely country home in the bucolic countryside, off the beaten path, do consider building in or near town. Building on a new site can damage a peaceful ecosystem. It can disrupt the lives and dens of local wildlife and eliminate them altogether in order to bring additional lines, utilities and roads where they don’t currently exist.

Not going solar

No matter where you live you should build your home so that you have unobstructed solar access from 9 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. When building your home it should always have a southern exposure. By placing the front of the home due south, you will automatically lower your energy costs by 10 per cent. Situate your home so that it is facing due south, placing the majority of the windows on the southern side, and placing overhangs or awnings to shield the sun’s hot summer rays. Use materials that will absorb and radiate the sun’s heat.

Not doing your research

With all the information so readily available to us, there is no excuse not to educate yourself as best as you can to learn about all your green building options. There is no reason, today, not to use environmentally responsible products. There are plenty of options available at every price point.

Not minimizing your footprint

You want to minimize your footprint as much as you possibly can, this means getting rid of all unnecessary waste including all building products and machines needed to create and run them. You want your energy consumption and waste to be as little as possible.

Inadequate insulation

The greatest savings to your home will come in the form of your home’s insulation. In the US minimum insulation codes have been increased in recognition of the ability to prevent heat loss and gain via walls, windows, roof and foundation. Insulation is responsible for your building’s heat retention and loss. A well insulated building will not only save energy and resources but will cut your electrical bill substantially.

Poorly planned roofing

The roof protects and carries the walls and therefore when building much consideration needs to be placed upon the roof.

It is important to understand how much weight the roof will need to support and the shape of the roof is vital to the home efficiency of energy.

A flat roof will tend to hold and accumulate water whereas a sloped roof will not. A proper drainage system put in place will work to ensure that the roof can best protect your home in the most efficient manner possible. The roof’s insulation is integral to the building’s heating and cooling efficiency.

Not using environmentally friendly products

There really is no reason not to use eco-friendly products. Everything from your roofing material, building material, insulation to you your flooring, counters and cabinets should be environmentally friendly. freshome

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