One in ten Sri Lankans diabetic | Daily News
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One in ten Sri Lankans diabetic

Over 50 percent of Colombo’s population over the age of 50 suffer from diabetes. A 2010 study revealed that one out of every ten people in Sri Lanka suffered from diabetes.

The latest study commenced last year revealed that 18 percent of Colombo’s adult population has diabetes,

Senior Lecturer in Medicine attached to the Colombo University and consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist Dr.Prasad Katulanda said yesterday.

Dr. Katulanda was addressing a press conference at the Health Promotion Bureau in Colombo to mark World Diabetes Day. The Day is observed internationally under the auspices of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

He said that the pre-diabetes status in Colombo had now reached 24 percent of the city’s population. One in every four adults in Colombo have a pre-diabetes condition. In 2006, the prevalence of diabetes in Sri Lanka was 10 percent.

Dr. Katulanda pointed out that the prevalence of diabetes in Sri Lanka may have increased up to 15 percent or even 20 percent by now.

“Diabetes has become an epidemic. In the past only adults developed complications due to diabetes but now people in productive age develop complications. Primordial prevention is essential for diabetes in Sri Lanka,” he said.

Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist Dr. Uditha Bulugahapitiya said that if diagnosed early and with proper treatment and early lifestyle modification, about 60 percent of pre-diabetes cases can be reversed. If treated properly, the complications that develop due to diabetes can be prevented. Family history, being over weight/obese, leading an idle lifestyle, having a high level of cholesterol and hypertension can lead to diabetes.

According to Dr. Bulugahapitiya, only 40 percent or 50 percent of diabetes patients have symptoms. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to amputations and blindness. If a person loses a leg, he/she may only live for about five years, he warned.


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