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Look around and you will be able to find a treasure trove of botanical wealth in your very own neighbourhood. Neem not an uncommon sight and if you make maximum use of what the tree offers you would be able to uncover a treasure trove of beauty benefits. This wonderful plant which is also known as the Indian Lilac tree has been a part and parcel of Ayurveda for centuries.


 Beauty benefits

It gets rid of dandruff.

It encourages hair health and growth.

It treats dry skin.

It fights the appearance of wrinkles.

It treats acne.

It fades scars.

It fights off foot fungus.


Side effects

Neem is possibly safe for most adults when taken by mouth for up to 10 weeks, when applied inside the mouth for up to six weeks, or when applied to the skin for up to two weeks. When neem is taken in large doses or for long periods of time, it is possibly unsafe. It might harm the kidneys and liver.


Health benefits

*Wound healer: Make a paste out of the neem leaves and dab it on your wounds or insect bites a few times a day till it heals.

*Goodbye dandruff: Boil a bunch of neem leaves till the water turns green, allow it to cool. After washing your hair with shampoo, cleanse it with this water.

* Eye trouble: Boil some neem leaves, let the water cool completely and then use it to wash your eyes. This will help any kind of irritation, tiredness or redness.

*Treat that zit: Grind a few neem leaves, make a paste and apply it daily till the acne dries out. The paste also helps any kind of eruptions, dark spots and chronic ulcers.

* Ear ailments: Blend some neem leaves and add some honey to it. Use a few drops of this mix to treat any ear boils.

* Other skin disorders: Turmeric combined with a paste of neem leaves can also be used for itching, eczema, ring worms and some mild skin diseases.


Growing quality neem for beauty treatments

Neem grows easily from seed. If you can get hold of seeds, that is. Just put your neem seeds in a pot with a very good quality potting mix, cover them with an inch of the mix, and keep that pot moist and warm. Neem seeds should germinate within one to three weeks.

Compiled by Ruwini Jayawardana



Neem home remedies

Neem hair pack

Neem has excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties. These properties make it very effective in treating various hair problems. It also helps in keeping scalp healthy and disease free.



Bunch of neem leaves


Grinder or mortar pestle to grind the leaves



First, grind the neem leaves in a grinder (or in mortar pestle) by adding sufficient water and prepare a smooth paste. Apply this paste to scalp and hair and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. Then shampoo and condition the hair as usual.


Neem face pack

Various scientific studies revealed Neem’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties have been used since ages for maintaining a healthy skin. Neem also has been traditionally used as a “skin moisturizer”.

Neem face pack is one of the best home remedies for people who are suffering from common skin problems such as acne, rashes, itching etc.



Dried neem leaves (10-12) or 2-4 teaspoon Neem powder

Mortar pestle or grinder

½ teaspoon of turmeric


Honey or fuller’s earth (optional)



Take a bunch of dried neem leaves or neem powder in a bowl. Crush neem leaves gently in mortar pestle to make a smooth powder. Add rose water, few drops of lemon juice and honey or fuller’s earth (if you have dry skin use 1 teaspoon of honey and if you have oily skin use 1 teaspoon of fuller’s earth)

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