How did Madush know of the sophisticated M39? | Daily News

How did Madush know of the sophisticated M39?

It has been reported that drug dealer Makandure Madush had plans to smuggle a specialised M39 rifle into the country. Although in my view this detection was given undue publicity, his name has been linked to a plan to assassinate certain VVIPs.

I have tried to impress upon the leadership of this country the importance of strong intelligence unit governance, protection of assets, and safety of the nation, but haven’t received a proper response.

Intelligence in this context is the information analysed by experts, upon which appropriate action could be initiated.

Meanwhile, with regard to the assumption that this drug dealer was planning to smuggle in an M39 rifle, one wonders how he gained the expert knowledge to look for such a sophisticated, highly effective and modern weapon used primarily by the US Marines. If this claim is true, the security hierarchy has a huge task to comprehensively investigate the alleged plan to assassinate VVIPs.

The M39 Marksman rifle is used by the US Marines in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Although it belongs to the M16 family, which is used by STF and British Special Forces, this is a higher calibre (7.62 Nato calibre) ammunition with an effective range of 800m and a maximum firing range of 4,000m.

These cartridges are more powerful than any M16 ammunition and are used by Marine Scout Snipers on special missions.

Taking into account the special features of this weapon, one wonders how a drug dealer had chosen to purchase this specific weapon or who had advised him on this purchase? This is a matter worth investigating.

In 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a sniper, the assassin used an Italian sniper rifle called Caracan which I believe is a bolt action weapon. Even with a gun of that nature, he managed to get the target accurately. This special weapon has the capability of mounting a sniper day scope with a telescope site since it is a long-range ammunition. This is a lightweight accurate system utilising a cartridge more powerful than M16 quality with night-vision capability.

Through our immense experience during the 30-year war, we have expertise about sophisticated firearms, munitions and the various tactics used by terrorists. Surely the people in authority to protect the nation and its leadership will give top priority to intelligence, VIP security and overall national security?

This is a very important matter for defence authorities who should investigate the matter comprehensively before it is too late.

Do not forget that VIP security is a highly sophisticated subject which needs careful planning and analysing of situations.

The Kadirgamar case was a classic example.

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