’Tis A Cold Winter..! | Daily News

’Tis A Cold Winter..!

’Tis a cold winter here in America where I’ve been the last month. The snows been thick and heavy, covering every square inch with a harsh white carpet. The winds have raged and blown cold air into heated homes leaving locals wrapped up all the time. The air’s so thin one breathes in the ice, and at one time while outside with my daughter with temperatures at -27CI thought my ears and nose had fallen off. The cold was bitter and piercing and as we both searched for the car that was supposed to pick us up, we wondered how anyone could last in such temperatures.

’Tis a cold winter indeed!

But its not the cold of the winter I find difficult to take, it’s the new cold of the people. Suddenly, words of hate, the pointing fingers of suspicion and the jeering glances of their leader, has percolated into his followers.

This was always a friendly country, and other than stray incidents from the uneducated and less informed, there were hardly any incidents one was made to feel different. But one crass man told his citizens they were different, and to look with distrust on those who’s skins were a tad different or accents dissimilar to that of them. And them same ones whose ancestors had come from various shores, who’s forefathers had been immigrants in this a foreign land, and who’d fought racism, now succumb to it.

’Tis a cold winter in the world!

Oh yes, it’s cold in the rest of the world too. In India, a snow white bearded leader blows cold winds into the hearts of people who lived in peace for thousands of years. With words that strike with more ferocity than bullets, jibes like igniting missiles, he pokes fun at those who’s faith is different, or with deathly silence ignores the cries and pleas of people who’s lives he be responsible for.

’Tis a cold winter!

People shiver, not with cold but fear, as angry words replace harsh winds. Lynching mobs roam streets in search of some flimsy reason to string a fellow neighbor onto treeand pole, or strip women and rape them, all because they worship in ways different from theirs or maybe,that food on their tables seem not the same as theirs.

’Tis a cold winter all over the world. The snow’s been thick and heavy, covering every square inch with a harsh white carpet.

The winds have raged and blown the cold even into heated homes leaving locals wrapped up all the time. The air’s so thin one breathes in the ice.

But ‘tis not cold winds that makes this winter cold, but bitter coldof hate and intolerance that’sentwined itself around the very soul of mankind!

’Tis a cold winter..!

[email protected]

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