Ban on ‘sili’ bags impractical: Dr. Predeep Perera | Page 2 | Daily News

Ban on ‘sili’ bags impractical: Dr. Predeep Perera

Pradeep Perera
Pradeep Perera

Since nearly 500,000 parcels of food are sold in Colombo city daily, the government should introduce an alternative before imposing a ban on shopping bags (sili) and polythene lunch sheets, Dr. Predeep Perera, President, People friendly (Janahithakami) Development Organisation said.

He added that the state and private sector employees migrating to the city for work daily, satiate their hunger by purchasing packeted meals sold in the city. As such, these workers, traders as well as food distributors would face many problems on account of this sudden ban on shopping bags and lunch sheets.

Although people had rushed to propose alternative wrappings, the suggestion to use items such as banana leaves and lotus leaves seemed impractical given the enormous quantities involved.

Even Saiver hotels had run short of banana leaves these days and as such, the government should reconsider its decision until a workable solution was found to the issue. He said bringing meals in receptacles would be more cumbersome for workers travelling long distances to reach their workplaces, instead of buying the meals in the city. 


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